IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Ms. VANDANA, Prof (Dr) Ajay Kumar Chaturvedi


The intricate interplay between the environment and human health has become a critical focal point of research and policy initiatives globally. This paper examines the multifaceted relationship between environmental factors and human well-being, exploring the myriad ways in which environmental quality influences health outcomes. From air and water pollution to climate change and habitat destruction, various environmental stressors pose significant threats to human health, exacerbating risks of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular ailments, infectious illnesses, and mental health disorders. Moreover, disparities in exposure to environmental hazards disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, exacerbating social inequities in health outcomes. However, amidst these challenges lie opportunities for intervention and mitigation. Strategies such as sustainable urban planning, renewable energy adoption, pollution control measures, and ecosystem restoration efforts can yield substantial health benefits while concurrently preserving environmental integrity. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, implementing evidence-based policies, and promoting public awareness, stakeholders can collectively safeguard both human health and environmental sustainability. This paper underscores the imperative for concerted action to address the nexus of environment and human health, emphasizing the urgency of prioritizing health-centric approaches within environmental governance frameworks.

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