IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Entrepreneurship Education: Need of the Hour in India

Main Article Content

Dr. Ketaki Gokhale, Dr. Rajita Dixit


Globally entrepreneurship has been accepted to develop the economy. In the developing country like India where almost 62% portion of population is within the working age group i.e., 15 to 59 years. Entrepreneurship taken up by this age group can be a boon. To boost the economy of India there is a need to accelerate the entrepreneurship education amongst the people especially the youth. Entrepreneurship education is considered as an important way to enhance the knowledge and skills among entrepreneurs. In NEP 2020 the focus is given on the Entrepreneurship education through multidisciplinary education. The new education policy speaks about “recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student, by sensitizing teachers as well as parents to promote each student’s holistic development in both academic and non-academic spheres”. We realize that creating the entrepreneurial environment is one of the fundamental success factors in entrepreneurship education where several stakeholders can play a facilitator role to enhance and develop the environment. The objective of present article is to review the entrepreneurship education practices available in India and also relate it with the fundamentals of management. This will also explore the challenges faced by the business schools and come up with some suggestive measures to make it smooth.

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