IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Enhancing Food Safety: Integrating IoT and Nanotechnology in Smart Packaging Solutions

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Prof. Swapnil P. Barde Prof. Pragati S. Patil Dr. Raju M. Sairise Prof. Pravin R. Dandekar


In the modern food sector, the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) and nanotechnology into smart packaging solutions is an innovative way to tackling difficulties that are currently being faced. By providing real-time monitoring, traceability, and improved preservation technologies, this synergy dramatically improves both the safety of food and the efficiency of the supply chain as a whole. In order to demonstrate the wide range of advantages that may be gained by integrating this technology, some of the most important applications include dynamic expiration dates, allergy monitoring, and intelligent inventory management. Internet of Things sensors that are incorporated in packaging allow for exact monitoring of environmental conditions, which ensures that perishable commodities are stored and transported in the most effective manner possible. Establishing a supply chain that is both safe and responsible is made possible by blockchain technology, which improves transparency and traceability measures. The shelf life of items may be extended by nanomaterials that possess antibacterial qualities, which in turn reduces the amount of food that is wasted and promotes sustainability. Materials for packaging that may be customized and are informed by nanotechnology are able to meet the individual requirements of a wide variety of food items. The incorporation of ethical issues and the monitoring of compliance demonstrates a dedication to responsible innovation. Research that is now being conducted places an emphasis on the possibility of combining machine learning with artificial intelligence, which indicates that the subject is continuously making progress.An whole new age in terms of food safety, efficiency, and sustainability is about to begin with the confluence of Internet of Things (IoT) and nanotechnology in smart packaging. Not only does this transformational integration guarantee the safety and quality of food items, but it also lays the path for a global food supply chain that is both robust and adaptable.

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