IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Empowering Futures: A Quantitative Study on Educational Achievement among Scheduled Caste Girls in Lakhimpur District, Assam

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M prakash


The term “Scheduled Caste” is used in context of statuary provisions, government programmes and policies. Thus Scheduled Caste is not sociological but administrative category of population identified by the constitution of India for the compensatory discrimination and for special protection. The Scheduled Caste been historically excluded from formal education due to oppression under caste feudal society and their spatial isolation and cultural differences and subsequent marginalization by dominant society. Education is an important as well as most vital instrument for social transformation. But its efficacy in attainment its goal is seen being hindered by the society of its caste-ridden and hierarchical characteristics. Government initiatives for eradication of illiteracy among the Scheduled Caste students more particularly girl students in Lakhimpur district of Assam need revisiting of the report card. While enrolment and dropout are two important indicators that hinder such literary drives, an alarming situation of high dropout rate from the primary level to secondary level among Scheduled Caste girl students is of major concern in the days ahead.

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