IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Emotional Intelligence and Caring Behaviour of Nursing Staff in Darbhanga Hospitals

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Nisha Kumari1, Dr Lav Kumar Singh2& Dr Abha Rani Sinha3


The association between the emotional intelligence of the nursing staff working in different hospitals in Darbhanga town and their caring behaviour has been explored in the present investigation. 320 nursing staff were selected through purposive-cum-incidental method as a sample of the study. The sample included nursing staff working in government and private hospitals. Assessment of the effect of gender and type of hospital on their caring behaviour were also objectives of the study. The study used the Personal Data Sheet, Caring Behaviour Scale and Emotional Intelligence Test to record the demographic variables and measure the participants' caring behaviour and emotional intelligence

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