IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Elevating Solar Still Performance with Wick-Finned Absorber and Nano-Enhanced PCM Technology

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S. Shanmugan
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/si1/22


The study aimed to enhance the heat transfer efficiency between saline water and the absorber in a Tubular Solar Still (TSS). This improvement was achieved by exploring various absorber designs, including flat and finned configurations. The research compared the performance of three systems: Conventional Solar Stills (CSS), the Tubular Solar Still (TSS), and a modified version with finned absorbers, known as Finned Tubular Solar Still (FTSS). To facilitate slow upward movement of feed water through the absorber, jute wick materials were employed as a covering for the finned absorbers. Furthermore, the internal sides of the TSS were equipped with reflective mirrors to evaluate their impact on performance. In a bid to further enhance the FTSS's capabilities, Phase Change Materials (PCMs) mixed with copper oxide nano particles were incorporated.

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