IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Effectsand ImpactsofAutomationonDevopsandSoftwareTesting

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» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/11/S7/025


Automationondevopsandsoftwaretestinghas been widely used todecrease cost,increase efficiencyand to develop/deploy the software on/in time by reducingtherisksfacedwithmanuallydeployingandtestingfunctionalityof software.It is known for its speed andquality of software delivery.The main aim of this paper is todetermine the use of automation on devops and softwaretesting.To find informationfor this studyliterature reviewis used.The data will provide more information on currentautomationactivitiesthathasbeencarriedoutinthesoftwareindustry.Aliteraturereviewwasdevelopedtogather the quantitative data to make known about effectsand impacts of automation.Automated monitoring allowsto respond quickly to any issues.Using automation we cantest the entire software at a time without manually checkingeach module which kills time.As a manual tester we maymake mistakes in testing and deploying the software so it isgood touseAutomation.

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