IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Home Care Management Related To Hypertension Among Women With The Diagnosis Of Hypertension.

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Health and holistic health is directly connected which gives significance to physical, mental, social and spiritual health as whole. Hypertension is directly associated with circulation, respiration and function of vital organs. Objectives: Assess the pretest Knowledge of women Regarding Home Care Management related to Hypertension among women with the diagnosis of Hypertension. 2. Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge of women with the diagnosis of Hypertension regarding home care management related to hypertension. 3. To find out the Association between the post-test Knowledge regarding home care management related to Hypertension with Selected demographic Variables. Methods and Materials: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was adopted. The study was conducted in selected rural community at karaikal. After obtaining formal permission, women were selected by convenient sampling technique and individual women consent was obtained. Pre-test data was collected by Structured knowledge questionnaire related to knowledge on home care management of 40 women with hypertension. After that the structured teaching programme was implemented. The post-test was done to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on 7th day using the same questionnaire. Result: Present study during pre-test knowledge is inadequate (43%) and moderate (57%). The post-test score showed that the maximum patients (96%) were having moderate knowledge and (4%) were having inadequate knowledge, after implementing the Structure Teaching Programme. Therefore, this result shows that structure teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge regarding to the home care management of hypertension among hypertensive women. The data with regarding to the knowledge between the pre-test and post-test mean knowledge scores i.e., 16.77 with SD 1.43 and 20.37 with SD 1.74. The calculated’ reference value is 8.67 and the‘t’ table value is 2.0227 at 39 df at 0.05% level of significance. Thus, there is statistically significant relationship between pre-test and post-test knowledge score. Therefore, STP was successful. Conclusion: The study highlights that Nurse’s responsible to plan and implement the Health Education for all the Hypertension women regarding home care management of Hypertension.

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