IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ecosystems and Climate Change: Threats, Opportunities and Solutions

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Shri Bhagwan


The health and operation of the ecosystems are inextricably linked to the fast human changing environmental Something we are experiencing in the twenty-first century's early stages. Climate change has an influence on the biosphere owing to variations in global heating rate and variability, as well as many other variables like as increased oceanic acidity and co2 buildup in the climate. Other stresses on ecosystems, such as degradation, defaunation, and fragmented, interact with it. Studying the demographic dynamics affected by these environmental influences, finding regions of sensitivity and resistance, and proposing management approaches that could aid the biosphere's adaptation to temperature warming are all important. At the same time, organisms can help with both climates related adaptation measures. The processes, possibilities, and constraints of such environment global warming solutions must be investigated and assessed. The relationship of climatic changes and the ecosystems is the subject of this study, which presents a topical concern.

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