IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Ningthoujam Sanatombi Chanu, Dr. Chandibai Potsangbam


The purpose of this study is to find out what opportunities and problems there are for inclusive growth in Manipur by looking at the educational level and social and economic status of the state's Scheduled Castes (SCs). Survey data from a representative sample of SCs is used to look into important socioeconomic factors like schooling, employment, income, access to facilities, experiences of racism, and views on development. It turns out that SCs come from different educational backgrounds and have different household incomes and job possibilities. Caste-based discrimination still exists and makes it harder for people to move up in society, even though most people have access to the things they need to live. Some ideas are to improve job chances, fight discrimination, make it easier for people to get medical care, get more people involved in politics, and make sure that social projects are carried out more efficiently. We now know more about the social and economic factors that affect SCs in Manipur thanks to this study. In addition, it gives lawmakers and users evidence-based suggestions for specific actions that will support fair development and prosperity.

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