IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Economic Consequence of Variations in Climate

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Shreshta Bandhu Rastogi


Changes in climate is a long-term alteration in the usual weather conditions that have come to be associated Earth's local, continental, and global climates. Such changes have a wide range of effects that are synonymous with the terms. Changes in climate is putting the people, infrastructure, and environment of cities in jeopardy, according to a growing agreement. The evidence for impacts in four primary areas is included in this review: urban ventilation as well as cooling, metropolitan drainage and flood risk, water supplies, including outdoor areas (such as air quality and biodiversity). It is demonstrated that built environments have a significant impact on local climate and environment, but also that urban inhabitants are already exposed to a variety of weather-related threats including such rising temperatures, air pollution events, and floods. The chief goal of this paper is to show the various causes of changes in climate which affects environment. The researchers' long-term aims for this work are to devise tools and approaches for mitigating climatic change's detrimental effects.

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