IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Digital Security and Private Information in Cyber Security: A Study

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Rajendra P. Pandey


Many layers of defense are scattered throughout the networks, computers, programs, and information that one wants to protect safe from harm in an efficient cybersecurity strategy. For a society to effectively defend against or recover from cyberattacks, all of the systems, people, and technologies must work together. The tasks of discovery, inspection, and remediation are three crucial security procedures that may be accelerated by a unified threat management system. This study investigates the overlaps and conflicts between cyber security and privacy. It addresses how privacy and data protection concerns are also difficulties for cyber security, examines how privacy may be impacted by cyber security policy, and highlights how cyberspace governance and security is a global issue. Data protection is the focus of security, while user identity protection is the focus of privacy. However, the exact distinctions are more nuanced, and there may be certain places where they overlap. In order to spark discussion on cyber security as a crucial component of online privacy protection, it concludes by laying forth essential policy directions.

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