IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Mrs. P.Komala,Dr. A.V.N.Murty


The article focuses on Digitalization and the internet have completely altered the world. Farmers may reach a wider audience of potential purchasers and command greater prices for their produce with the assistance of digital marketing. It helps new agriculture businesses get off the ground. Young farmers are willing to utilise digital marketing platforms as a result of the rising literacy rate in rural regions and the improvement in agribusiness infrastructures. Farmers' mentalities are changed through COVID-19, which encourages them to embrace digital marketing. Research information helpful is to get a vast understanding of farmers' perspectives, levels of awareness, and experiences about the influence of digital marketing on the agricultural industry. To accomplish this goal, primary data was gathered from a total of 120 respondents. In order to accomplish the goals of the research, the data were tabulated and evaluated with the use of several statistical techniques. Agriculture has adopted internet marketing, like other industries, and is rising to new heights while offering services that are superior to those found in traditional marketing venues. Farmers have a variety of options for selling their goods online. Additionally, they use the internet to market their agricultural goods. Therefore, the agricultural business sector is likewise changing its marketing channels. Now that the "e-NAM" platform, which was introduced by our prime minister Narendra Modi, has been established, farmers may sell their agricultural goods via IKISAN, NAPANTA APP, NAFED, e-Choupal, AGMARKNET, and other online marketplaces. Agriculture marketing identifies, develops, and supplies agricultural product markets. Agriculture products include food grains (rice, wheat, millets, red grame, green grame, black grame, ground nut, sunflower, soya bean, maize, etc.), fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, lemon, grapes, pomegranate, etc.), vegetables (chilies, tomato, brinjal, coccinea, carrot, beetroot, potato, etc.), and commercial crops (Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar cane etc.,). Over the past 60 years, agricultural marketing has evolved. Rising urbanisation and income levels have improved customers' buying power. High yielding seed kinds, fertilisers, and micro irrigation systems have increased agricultural production annually. Farmers, farmer associations, and F.P.Os are using ICT to advertise their agricultural goods online (ICT). Android phones are utilised by farmers and FPOs to access the internet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Using the digital information described above, they link with national and global markets to sell their agricultural commodities at the best prices. Digital marketing helps too. All small, medium, and large farmers use digital marketing to enhance sales and prices. Digital marketing eliminates commission brokers and intermediaries, so purchasers may acquire farm fresh commodities at fair prices.

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