IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Development of Vehicle Locking Mechanism Using Electromagnetic Brakes

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Rohit Kumar Singh Gautam


Electromagnetic brakes have attracted substantial attention in aircraft systems during the last few decades as a helpful actuator to limit the movement of a mechanical system. Thus, the electromagnetic braking system was created to enhance stopping power, service life, and maintenance costs. This may be accomplished by employing permanent magnets rather than moving elements. Permanent magnets can generate more power than ordinary electromagnets at a significantly cheaper cost. Furthermore, the field emission feature of the magnet allows for a decrease in the number of metal powders or steel needed in the rotors, which reduces cost and weight even further. During actuation circumstances, a basic nonlinear magnetics model is used to analyze magnetic field changes across the brake. A novel electromagnetic brake operating principle is presented, which might be more energy-efficient and dependable than traditional solenoid-based brakes to reduce the accidents and save the life of peoples.

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