IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Deploying Energy-Efficient Blockchain Solutions in Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks (CWCNs)

Main Article Content

Premkumar Chithaluru
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/si1/46


Given the computational constraints of sensor devices and the critical importance of Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks (CWCNs), adopting traditional blockchain mechanisms proves impractical for CWCNs. Moreover, considering the paramount security and privacy concerns inherent in CWCNs, particularly in applications like ambient assisted living which directly impact human lives, blockchain emerges as a viable solution. However, adaptations are required to streamline the computation of Proof of Work (PoW), introducing a more straightforward approach. Hence, the fourth objective seeks to introduce an energy-efficient blockchain implementation tailored for CWCNs. This approach is meticulously designed to minimize energy consumption during computation, a critical consideration in the context of CWCNs. Notably, the implementation involves addressing the energy-intensive nature of blockchain through a simplified approach, particularly in the resource-intensive mining process. This strategic streamlining renders the blockchain solution energy-efficient, primarily concerning computation time. To demonstrate the viability of this approach, an energy-intensive blockchain model is deployed within a resource-limited CWCN, specifically catered to ambient assisted living applications with a focus on elderly care. The process involves the aggregation of physical environmental data using a single-board computer-based CWCN.

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