IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Depiction Of Society In Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy

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Marbin Britto S N,Dr.R Hemalatha,Dr J Chitta


The societal issues depicted in the book can be used to analyze the social realism as it is defined by the author. As with any true realist author, Seth examines in-depth the societal aberrations and injustices that are pervasive in society and illustrates fundamental human suffering. Despite the exhilaration associated with the newfound independence, millions of poor people's lives remained mostly unchanged. Indian society is still plagued by unemployment, underdevelopment, a lack of healthcare coverage, and a low level of education. Vikram Seth writes novels in the realism style of the nineteenth century, making an effort to properly and authentically depict reality in all of its expressions. The present research exhibits undertones of social realism when examined more closely. Seth has skillfully blended social reality—reality as it actually exists, not an idealised version—into his story.

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