IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Demographic correlates of Pro-environmental behaviour among secondary school teachers

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Dr. Lakshmi S , Dr. Sojia John


Pro-environmental behaviour is behaviour that actively aims to reduce the negative impact of one's actions on the built environment and the natural world. It is the capacity of a person to participate actively in environmental issues. It largely shows how well-versed in and how one feels about environmental issue a person is. To produce students who are ecologically literate, it is vital to have teachers who are concerned about the environment and have scientific knowledge of environmental issues, appropriate instructional methodology, and other elements. It is impossible to visualise the complexity of the question of what influences pro-environmental behaviour using a single framework. The study investigates how the demographic correlates, such as gender and location, affect secondary school teachers' pro-environmental behaviours. The survey results for 150 secondary school teachers showed that, while pro-environmental behaviour is independent of the demographic correlation gender, there is a substantial difference in conservation behaviour between urban and rural teachers. This situation emphasises the need for quick action to promote environmentally friendly behaviour in the teaching-learning community by exposing to various information sources and environmental protection, promotion, and preservation scenarios

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