IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Mariya Joseph


Prior to the modern era, all trade and commerce took place physically. After a physical examination and verification, the human epoch felt delight in purchasing anything. The nature and culture of the entire civilization changed as society progressed gradually. Humanity's ultimate goal is to change its appearance, even its colour. E-commerce is completely based on internet. Major transformation in the zone of E-commerce started to take place after the advent of WWW during mid-1990. The term ‘dark pattern’ was coined by Harry Brignull in 2010. It has become imperative to be watchful and careful in this age of artificial intelligence, where humanity depends on technology for all of its operations. Many businesses use it as payment in exchange for expanding their commercial activities. We offer our own sensitive and important data for the service that is being used. But frequently, people are unaware of the consequences of the information given. Every single service provider adheres to the "Roach model," which is really a ruse that makes it simple to enter but challenging to exit. There are some services and goods that cannot be used without first setting up an account, logging in, or purchasing a subscription. Every online service we use comes with a deceptive design that forces us to buy or use something extra that we did not really mean to. Dark patterns are any interfaces or patterns that pressure users into giving their consent. Any consent gained through coercion, undue influence, or fraud is deemed void, which will have a negative impact on the contract's legalityThis paper analyses about the challenges that dark patterns poses on the economy and the legal regulations and control mechanisms over this.

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