IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Aradhana Chadha


Due to the fact that cybercrime is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, it is impossible to generalise crimes committed across the country given the current state of affairs. Alongside the widespread lack of awareness regarding internet use, a disturbing new trend that has emerged on the scene is cyber crime. The development of computers has made a number of human activities and requirements significantly easier. Criminals were given access to new methods of operation, which are collectively referred to as cybercrime, when they discovered that it was possible to share data and information on such a massive scale. This was a novel method of exhibiting criminal tendencies on a broad scale without even making use of a firearm or other physical weapon. At any given time, millions of people are impacted by criminal activity committed online. Its rapid mode of operation, in conjunction with the fact that it can inflict harm on a massive number of people all at once, contributes to the fact that it poses a significant threat. This can be done by outlining a behavioural profile from the key personality characteristics. In the present paper, an attempt is made to do the same thing. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with a sample of sixty students who had prior academic experience and used a questionnaire with a set of predetermined questions. The main objective of the research is to create awareness of cyber law among youth to eradicate cybercrime with special reference to Delhi-NCR. In addition, the purpose was to identify the common themes that emerged from their responses with regard to the personality traits of cyber-criminals & questioned by the researcher in order to gain insight into their beliefs concerning the identifiable characteristics that are associated with a cyber-criminal. A behavioural profile of a cybercriminal was created by compiling data from a variety of sources into a small number of recurring themes. These themes were then used to construct the profile. The analysis was carried out with the assistance of SPSS by means of a one sample t-test.

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