IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Cultural Diversity's Implications for Workplace Management

Main Article Content

Anushi Singh


The advantages of cultural convergence in corporate organizations have garnered a lot of attention during the last two decades. The challenges and dangers of leading multicultural work organizations have not been fully addressed. Practicing managers must be able to recognize how and when mono-cultural as well as multi-cultural businesses perform best. This article analyses key scientific truths that may be used to design successful culturally diverse strategies frameworks in the workplace. The complexities of an increasingly changing workplace need the development of novel behaviour management approaches. Traditional perspectives that place a high value on production and profit may be insufficient to grasp the complications of future multi-cultural business. A greater emphasis on the trend towards non-hierarchical, egalitarian, as well as flat organizational structures might be a positive step forward. Above all, a society that accepts and recognizes the possibilities and problems that comes with a multicultural workplace is essential.

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