IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Crop Diversification: A Crucial Need

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Dr. Kiran,Dr. Gaganpreet kaur


Farming continues to be the major source of food, nutrition, income and employment for the most of the rural population in India. The country’s farming is characterized by presence of a large number of small and marginal scale farmers with small farm holdings. However the country is blessed with diverse agro-climatic conditions which enable the farmers to produce a large number of agricultural commodities. The challenge of producing enough food for the growing population with the reducing holdings is a herculean task. With the development of commercial agriculture techniques during the post independent period the agriculture sector has been able to cater to the domestic and international markets. In the light of the focus on commercial farming the rich tradition of crop diversity of Indian farming lasts its glory. Few crops are occupying major production area and are grown repeatedly year after year. This has resulted in emergence of several field levels biotic and abiotic constraints and overall reduction in the benefits realized from farming.

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