IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Organic foods are those which are produced naturally without any use of chemicals, pesticides or additives. The preference and awareness about organic foods has widespread across the world. Consumers tends to buy more organic food than inorganic as it has harmful effects due to high usage of chemicals and pesticides. The drastic shift towards organic food eventually increase the growth of organic food markets. Organic food also promotes a balance of nature, living organisms, environment and human beings. It also prevents production of food from no artificial preservatives and highly maintain the originality of food. This prevents excess usage of harmful ingredients and thereby promotes health. Consumers, also have concerns on production process of organic foods, primarily the certification and authenticity of organic food has to be improved. Thus, organic foods are considered as more nature friendly, more nutritious and healthy when comparing to conventional foods. The study attempted the consumer satisfaction towards the organic food with special reference to Kanniya kumari district. The study also further analyze the reason for preferring the organic foods by consumers. The study suggested that consumers preferring organic foods because of their health consciousness and their satisfaction level rely on employees’ friendliness and co-cooperativeness towards consumers.

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