IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consumer Perception about E-Pharmacies in Indian Retail Pharmaceutical Sector

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Dr. Tejas N Dave, Dr. Ashvin R Dave, Dr. Ashwin H Parwani, Dr. Ashish B Joshi, Dr. Rajesh Patel


In last three decades, the world economy has observed paradigm shift because of information technology revolution. This information technology revolution has brought markets and consumer closer. This has also given more power to consumers as they have accessed of multiple markets. At macro level, governments have also promoted digital platforms in developed and developing economies to provide better quality products and services to their citizen with reasonable price. This development has also pressurized corporate to redefine their business strategies to make it more financially viable and also agile for market requirements. The Indian pharmaceutical markets were known for its offline retail chain for many years. The operational modalities in pharmaceutical market in India are quite different from western countries. In India, normally doctor issues the drug prescriptions for the patient and they get medicine from retail offline pharma stores on the bases of the prescriptions. Like other retail format in India, the Indian pharma retail market is known for its relationship marketing practices. In last two decades almost all types of markets are heavily penetrated by e-commerce platforms in India. This has also forced corporate to restructure their supply chain and target customers through online platforms. In recent years, now many new e-commerce companies have ventured into online medicine business. Initially, the response was slow but now the market of these companies is expanding at rapid pace, specifically in urban areas. This paper aims to understand consumer perception about online pharmacy business. In primary research, cross sectional convenience sampling designed was used and responses were taken from 246 respondents. The finding of the research suggests strategies for the online companies to make their business model more viable and financially feasible for Indian markets.

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