IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Constitutional and Legal Framework to curb menance of Child Labour in India

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Child labor has been present throughout history, but its recognition as a global social issue is relatively recent. In earlier times, child labor was intertwined with the collective subsistence model, particularly in rural settings, where children contributed to family occupations under informal supervision. However, with the advent of capitalism and industrialization in the 18th century, the landscape shifted dramatically. Factors such as increased industrial production, commercialization of agriculture, and mechanization led to widespread unemployment among adults, pushing children into the labor market. Industrialization brought about significant socioeconomic changes, including the segmentation of the labor market, which exacerbated exploitation and weakened collective bargaining power. This resulted in the emergence of labor aristocracy and furthered class divisions

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