IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Consequences of Alcohol on Distinct Sort of Sensory Memory

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Dr Anil Kumar


Prior to focusing on alternative medications that control the cannabinoid receptor, it is essential to first understand how this mechanism is linked to mental illness symptoms. The memory scale was designed to measure cognitive output and examine memory variables. When the t-vale was computed, it was found that marijuana and alcohol users exhibited a significant discrepancy between distant memory and immediate recall. Information is retained in sensory memory unconsciously and inadvertently when it is perceived. The null hypothesis was accepted because the conditions driving memory variables showed little significant change as compared to the effects of cannabis and alcohol dependency on the other variables. Researchers found a connection between cannabis and alcohol addicts in distant memory, attention and perception, delayed recall, instantaneous recall, verbal retention for different pairings, visual recognition, and identification after analysing the association. Since of the impact of cannabis and alcohol dependency, the null hypothesis was rejected since there is a connection between the factors influencing memory variables. Longitudinal and retrospective examination of data from other drug users and from various regions of the world may be undertaken to establish a broad frame of reference.

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