IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Community Gardens as a Tool for Improving Access to Nutritious Foods

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Mrs. Jayashri P. Nanaware Dr. Prajakta B. Shete Mr.Shivaji H. Pawar


Community gardens serve as dynamic and transformative spaces, fostering community engagement, promoting local food production, and addressing multifaceted challenges. This abstract explores the various dimensions of community gardens, highlighting their significance in social, environmental, and health contexts. By delving into the collaborative effort inherent in these gardens, we uncover the sense of community they cultivate, providing shared spaces where individuals connect, share experiences, and collectively contribute to neighborhood well-being. Examining their role in enhancing food security, community gardens emerge as valuable tools, reducing reliance on commercially grown produce and offering fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables. Moreover, these spaces become educational hubs, empowering participants with knowledge about gardening practices, sustainable agriculture, and nutrition. Beyond tangible benefits, community gardens contribute to physical and mental well-being, providing therapeutic outdoor environments for exercise and relaxation. As agents of environmental stewardship, they transform urban landscapes into green spaces, supporting biodiversity and enriching community aesthetics. While community gardens present myriad opportunities, challenges such as land availability and sustained community involvement require ongoing attention. Successful community gardens necessitate collaboration with local authorities and adaptability to evolving community needs. In conclusion, community gardens stand as vibrant symbols of collective action, cultivating not only nutritious foods but also resilient and empowered communities

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