IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Common Food Adulterants in Food Materials – Research Article

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Shamalabanu, Meera Raman


Food is take in the body to support the different biochemical and physiological activities. Adulteration means substance is added to food for profit basics. To identify various samples of presence of adulteration in parboiled rice, wheat flour, rice flour, maida, chilli powder, pulses, milk, asofoetida powder and ghee. After the analysis the products containing adulterants were identified in branded and unbranded food products. Adulterants food shows a health hazard. Harmful effects of consuming adulterants in food leads to stomach disorder, giddiness and join pain, diarrhea, liver disorder, dropsy, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory diseases, cardiac arrest, glaucoma, carcinogenic effects, paralysis etc.. This study shows the presence of adulterant in food and hence much attention is needed for the both branded and unbranded products to purchase adulterant free foods.

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