IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Characterization of Compounds in Flanonoidal Fraction of Methanolic Extract Nostoc Muscorum Cultured With & Without NH4Cl

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Sunil Kumar Dangi, Rajesh Kumar Tenguria, Santosh Bhargava,


Nostoc muscorum is an oxygenic photosynthetic, obligate photo autotrophic, gram negative, free living green-brown coloured cyanobacteria found in both terrestrial and aquatic environmental condition. It is rich in secondary metabolites but least investigated. The present investigation was aimed at extraction of bioactive chemical mixture from N.muscorumgrown in media with and without ammonium chloride. The species was used to culture in Chu no.10 medium then itsdried fine powder was maceratedmethanol for extraction

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