IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Challenges of Implementing Evidence Based Practice

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Minu S.R., Anjani Devi Nelavala, Toijam Monika Devi, Gunjan Kandpal, Tania Sharma


Nurses plays as a leadership role in promotion of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and ensure that the best scientific evidence with patient advocacy is used in health care delivery. Although there appears to be widespread support of Evidence-based Nursing as a basis for rational actions, the challenges to it are significant and often justified. A multitude of factors affect Evidence Based Practice in Nursing including patient preferences and social circumstances, clinical experience, competing demands from more pressing clinical conditions and organizational policies. The recent transition from authority-based Nursing Practice has driven fundamental changes in clinical practice, Nursing research and Nursing education.

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