IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Cadmium Toxicity in Skin Whitening Creams Detection

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A. Elphine Prabahar


Cadmium (Cd) was selected as the heavy metal for this research because it is one of the most commonly found contaminants in a range of cosmetic items, but studies on Cd alone are rare. The acid-digestion technique is used to prepare samples in the majority of examinations. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) is the most often used confirmatory technique, with the exception of one research that utilized inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (AES). The distinction between AAS and AES is that AAS evaluates electromagnetic radiation absorption while AES examines radiation output. In this research, the World Health Organization (WHO) detection cap or their own country rule is used as a reference. According to research, the usage of certain cosmetic chemicals exposes consumers to small amounts of hazardous heavy metals, which may cause health problems if they stay in biological systems over time. It was also discovered that, while the use of heavy metals in certain brands is below the legal limit, they still pose a significant danger to individuals. Both of these tests are being conducted in order to determine which brands of cosmetics marketed in our industry are in breach of the rules and to bring this to the attention of the authorities.

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