Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Nowadays, bird watching is a common hobby but to identify their species itrequires the assistance of bird books. To provide birdwatchers a handy tool toadmire the beauty of birds, we developed a deep learning platform to assistusers in recognizing species of birds using a software based on the concept ofimagerecognition.Thissoftwarewouldrecognizetheinputimagebycomparingthe model with a trained model and then predict the bird species. The detailswould be given out as an output. Also, it will help us to build the dataset if anyimage captured or uploaded by the user is unavailable in the dataset then theusercanaddthatimagetothedataset.