IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Jamuna M


Pak Choi play a significant role as a food, it is consumed as vegetable. It is rich in minerals like Manganese and Zinc. It is used as an important diet due to the high water and fiber content. The Pak Choi leafy Stalk (young stem) is a low moderate source of vitamins and minerals. This is directly related to the proportion of dark green leaves in the edible portion. In the preset study Pak Choi was purchased from the market, the stem extract was collected from half a kg of Pak Choi, grinded and extract was collected. This extract was analyzed for protein, inorganic phosphorus, copper, potassium, manganese, zinc and vitamin – C. Protein content was determined by Lowry’s method. It was found to be 150 mg whereas leaves contain 1.5 g. Here the young stem lacks the protein content when compared to that of leaves of Pak choi. Electrolyte like Potassium was determined by flame photometry. The Potassium was found to be 130 mg. Vitamin – C was determined by redox titrimetrically. It was found to be 39.69 mg where as 45 mg of Vitamin –C has been reported in Pak Choi’s green leaves.Copper was determined by spectrophotometry. Pak Choi’s stem contains copper of 50 mg while its copper content has not been reported in leaf. The manganese and zinc were determined by complexometric titration. The zinc was found to be 28.944 mg where as the leaves contain less 0.19 mg of zinc. Hence the young stem is rich in Zinc. The manganese was found to be 5.40 mg where as the leaves contain 19 mg of manganese.

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