IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Bibliometric Analysis of Literature (2010-2020): A Study with Special Reference to Gond Tribe (Community).

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Rahul A. Ghodam, Dr. Shiva Shrivastava


In 1912, study on tribes was started. Ever since, researchers have been using the phrase "tribal studies" to explore anthropological social study. The literature are included on the basis of having been listed in bibliographical sources as Gond Painting, Gond Arts, Traditional Medicines, Gondwana Kingdom, History, great personalities biography, traditional Gond dances, folk music’s form, religious believe, Gond folk or as publications under the names of the bibliography are listed according to the subject areas. Thus, this study's objective is to examine the published Indigenous tribal literature based on the Gond tribe. The whole body of literature was gathered using the Scopus database as well as from surveys and collection of literature from libraries. The data that was obtained was combined using VOSviewer for data visualization and a published or perish program for data incorporation. For data analysis, Microsoft Excel and SPSS were used. Standard bibliometric analysis was used to demonstrate the development of publications, research productivity, and citation analysis. Out of the results of the search, 1035 documents in all were found. Since 2010, the rate at which Tribal Gond literature is growing has increased dramatically annually. The majority of the papers were written in Hindi language and published as in Books. The second majority of literature was available in the English language and published in Journals. The most frequently used keywords are Traditional knowledge and traditional medicine, which stand for the primary research fields. The results showed that articles made up 6.08% of publications, while books accounted for 88.79%. With a combined share of roughly 0.5%, the remaining document types accounted for less than 5% of all documents. Studies on tribal literature fall under the history category, accounting for 49.56 percent of the total literature. Studies on culture (28.30%), art (11.49%), and biographies (04.05%) came next. The extra subjects covered in Gond tribal literature are shown in Study.

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