IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Benefits, Challenges, Importance of Cloud Security

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Mohan Vishal Gupta


Cloud computing security is another name for cloud security. It is the collection of regulations, tools, programs, and controls used to manage software, virtual hardware, or application infrastructure. Network security, database security, online security, etc. are all closely connected fields. In other words, computer security, information security, and cloud security are all closely related. Everybody and every business now has some sort of IT infrastructure, thus security is a major problem in this context. Different approaches, including deterrent control, detective control, preventative control, or collaborative control, are used to manage cloud computing security. Penetrating testing or cloud vulnerabilities are crucial for safe and effective cloud security procedures. Cloud computing is a key term in the IT as well as computing fields, and it is becoming more and more popular in many enterprises or institutions. This article describes several aspects of cloud computing. For cloud security, there are several models and architectures as well as various frameworks, laws, and regulations. This conceptual study discusses a number of fundamentally important security topics. The paper also discusses cloud security related issues and its benefits. In the Future this paper helps to understand people about cloud security and its benefits.

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