IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Bearings of Climatic Variations on Human Health’s

Main Article Content

Kul Bhushan Anand


Climatic variations will have an impact on urban inhabitants' health. It will impact groups where the existing burden of climate-sensitive illness is high – such as the urban poor in low- and middle-income nations – and will reflect a spectrum of environmental dangers. The first step in estimating future consequences of weather and climatic variability on urban populations is to understand the existing impact. We examined the scientific data regarding the impacts of hotness, rainfall, as well as severe measures on human wellbeing in this research, focusing on the effects of heat waves and floods. Methods for measuring climate change risks are still being developed, and there is a need to move the emphasis away from global and regional research and toward local studies. The significances of climatic variation on health are often overlooked in sectoral climate change impact assessments. It is necessary to properly define the health hazards posed by severe weather events and to increase the efficacy of public health programs. Improving cities' resistance to climate change also necessitates changes in urban infrastructure, but these improvements may not be made rapidly enough to prevent an increase in disease burden as an outcome of warming of the planet. The fundamental goal of this research is to show how climate change has an impact on people's health. The review's future goals are to investigate how to lessen climate-related health effects and develop measures to combat these difficulties.

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