IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

AYUSH medicines in oral health care: A Narrative review

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Dr. Sandipkumar Baheti, Dr. Anjali Baijnath Prasad*, Dr.Amit Gajarmal, Dr. Ekta


Introduction: Dental caries and periodontal diseases are among the most important global oral health problems, although other conditions like oral and pharyngeal cancers and oral tissue lesions are also of significant concern. The exploration of botanicals used in traditional medicine, may lead to the development of novel preventive or therapeutic strategies for oral health. Material and method: The databases searched for the current review were Medline, Natural Products Alert Database, and related databases, such as AYUSH Research Portal, Medicine, Systematic Reviews in Ayurveda, Systematic Reviews in Siddha, Systematic Reviews in Unani, NAPRALERT, National Library of Ayurveda Medicine, Siddha Database, Indus Medicus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, etc. Result: Ayurveda advocates some daily use therapeutic procedures for the prevention of and maintenance of oral health like Dant Dhavani (Brushing), Jivha Lekhana (Tongue scrapping) and Gandoosha (gargling) or oil pulling and tissue regeneration therapies. There are various plants with oral health related indication described in classics. By reducing inflammation and helping prevent dry mouth, yoga can help fight gum disease and keep teeth healthy. Similar to Ayurvedic medicine, Unani medicine also recommends daily use of therapeutic procedures like chewing sticks for brushing of teeth in the morning as well as after every meal for the prevention and maintenance of oral health. In Siddha system of medicine, a total of 108 herbs, collectively known as Karpa Mooligaigal are dominantly used for the human ailments including management of oral disorders. Homeopathy medicines include regulation thermography, nosode therapy, acupuncture, magnetic field therapy, ozone therapy, mora therapy, and lymph drainage in dentistry. Conclusion: The traditional knowledge should be integrated with the modern dentistry. For this, the active principles of plants should be incorporated into modern oral health-care practices and dentists should be encouraged to use natural remedies in various oral health treatments. This will make dentistry much safer, affordable and more accessible for the lower socio-economic groups in society.

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