IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Vijay Kumar Patil, Dr. Minal Shah, Dr. Dalvinder Singh Wadhwa, Dr. Anjaneya Sharma


Awareness refers to knowledge of a whole problem. Consumer rights awareness claims information to be passed and made known to customers of various goods, products and services what a customer needs that is aimed at ensuring consumer rights and the smooth flow of honest information in the market. Awareness is essential to take right decision at right time by the customer. Awareness goes hand in hand with the knowledge of all six rights under consumer protection act giving insight of what actually does a customer hold as it comes to seller while selling the goods or services. The customer is foremost important component to go commercial as to fulfil the reason of business activity and update, secure and give privilege to society with superior variants by organization and keeping up its goal of welfare. Consumer owes responsibility towards society, as an aware customer will represent changes within society and will put a fight against unfair practices of business in market and such rights are subject to considerable discussion since past few decades and a collective and organized movement.

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