IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge and Behavior in Adolescents

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Dr. Vasundhara V. Ghorpade Dr. Sharmishtha K. Garud Mrs. Nutan J. Potdar


With a particular emphasis on private school environments, the purpose of this research was to conduct an exhaustive evaluation of the nutritional knowledge and behavior of adolescents in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. A sampling procedure consisting of two stages was utilized, with the pupils being those between the ages of 9 and 13 who had gained parental consent. In addition to anthropometric data, the research addressed fundamental elements of adolescent nutrition by making use of proven tools in English. These tools included a Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire and a Dietary Behavior Assessment. The findings provided valuable insights into dietary habits, knowledge gaps, and the influence of socio-cultural factors on the decisions that people make regarding their nutrition. It was noted that there were barriers, such as language limitations and bias in the sample process. In the future, there will be an emphasis placed on longitudinal studies, varied sample, language inclusion, exploration of the school environment, and technological interventions. This research makes a significant contribution to the expanding body of information on the topic of nutrition in adolescents. It lays the groundwork for treatments that are more specifically focused and helps shape healthy food patterns.

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