IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge among Healthcare Professionals

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Dr. Satish V. Kakade Mr. Mahendra Alate Mrs. Shilpa S. Ruikar


Recognizing the critical role nutrition plays in patient care and public health, this study explores the nutritional understanding of healthcare personnel. Data were gathered from physicians, nurses, and other health professionals using semi-structured interviews and a thorough nutritional knowledge assessment tool, all within a cross-sectional design. The study's objectives were to appraise present knowledge levels, pinpoint particular gaps, analyze the influence of demographics, investigate attitudes toward lifelong learning, and make suggestions for enhancement. Findings highlighted the need for focused treatments by revealing differences in nutritional knowledge across disciplines and experience levels. Particular deficiencies were found in areas including dietary guidelines, micronutrients, and macronutrients. Knowledge levels were influenced by demographic factors, such as experience and professional discipline. The participants demonstrated a favorable outlook toward continuous education, acknowledging its significance for delivering efficient patient care. The report calls for ongoing efforts to improve healthcare personnel' dietary awareness in its conclusion. The study emphasizes the value of interdisciplinary collaboration while offering suggestions for customized instructional tactics. Prospective research avenues encompass longitudinal analyses, the examination of cultural competency, and inquiries into the effects of policy modifications on nutritional education. The findings of this study inform ongoing discussions on nutritional education in the healthcare industry and direct efforts to improve the nutritional literacy of medical staff members and patient care.

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