IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessment of Groundwater Quality using Fuzzy synthetic evaluation

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Shefali M.Shah1.a*, Bijal J.Talati2,b, Brijeshkumar Y. Panchal3,c


Groundwater quality is depends upon the physiochemical parameters. Challenges in groundwater quality determination modelling are, e.g.1) Ambiguity and uncertainty involved in collection and measurement of water sample 2) Effective groundwater quality parameter selection with respect to the water use 3)The higher interpretability and lower complexity of prediction models. To address these challenges, groundwater Quality class prediction model using fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS), Water quality index approach, and Pipper’s Diagram is proposed in the paper. The developed FRBS Model is the core component for the groundwater Quality prediction. FRBS approach is used as an improvement technique to overcome the ambiguity of boundary layer Pipper’s Diagram. FRBS Model shows 70.3% agreement with Pipper’s Diagram. Sample following in Temporary hardness in Pipper’s Diagram classify in Saline water type by developed FRBS which improved error effects in hydro chemical experiment. The proposed FRBS model produces satisfactory accuracy compared to some existing models.

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