IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Assessing the Nutritional Status of Vulnerable Populations

Main Article Content

Dr. Ajinkya Bahulekar, Mrs. Nutan J. Potdar Mr. Indrajeet b Jadhav


The assessment of nutritional status in vulnerable populations is a critical endeavor, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of various evaluation parameters. This study assigns numerical values to these parameters to emphasize their relative importance in determining the effectiveness of assessment methods. Validity and reliability, sensitivity and specificity, and practicality and feasibility emerge as primary considerations, collectively representing 42% of the evaluation. Applicability across diverse populations, accuracy in differentiating nutritional levels, and ethical considerations collectively contribute to 36% of the assessment focus, emphasizing inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. Longitudinal tracking capability, ease of interpretation, and cross-validation with other methods constitute 24% of the evaluation, ensuring reliable and comprehensible results. Accessibility of equipment and training, quantitative and qualitative insights, and considerations for response bias and social desirability provide a nuanced perspective, collectively representing 15% of the evaluation. This weighted distribution of importance underscores the need for a balanced approach, considering both quantitative and qualitative insights, to assess and address the nutritional challenges faced by vulnerable populations effectively.

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