IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Prof. Prasenjit Chakravarty,Dr Nibir Khawash,Ms. Bratini Shome,Ms. Sudeshna Pahari


Different groups have different perspectives on how the same learning experience gained via the use of digital means should be understood. We explore the viewpoints of children who are currently enrolled in schools as well as the parents of children who are currently enrolled in schools about various digital learning platforms. The COVID-19 outbreak significantly impacted the global educational sector by forcing the closure of educational institutions. According to statistical evidence, parents in India are equally satisfied with online learning across three categories: those who are happy, those who are not happy, and those who are indifferent. The quantitative and qualitative findings agree. Several factors may have caused these findings. Uncertain. The ease and convenience of online education may impact a learner's satisfaction. Parents are happier with their children's online education results if the method is simple and adaptable for youngsters The evaluative responses, the majority of parents acknowledged that online education was the only reasonable way for their kids to finish school during the epidemic—a developing country that welcomes technological advancements and instructional strategies as a trailblazer. The Indians were among the first to adopt these trends and practices. This is because India is a leader in these trends and practices. All of these characteristics may impact how parents perceive how simple it is for their children to learn online. In this paper, we study the perception of school students and their parents regarding digital learning platforms.

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