IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Artificial Intelligences Role in Healthcare

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Tamijeselvan S,A.Praveena, Saumya Surekha,Dr. C. Ananda Vayaravel


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the computational understanding and production of intelligent things Computer science branch. AI is becoming a popular computer science discipline since it improves human existence. AI has outperformed humans in various areas, and healthcare is a promising one. AI may improve illness prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. Cancer, neurology, cardiology, and diabetes utilise AI. This study provides a healthcare AI overview. AI has shaped this sector. The rise of healthcare data and analytics technologies has changed healthcare. Support vector machines, deep learning neural networks, and natural language processing handle structured data. NLP processes unstructured data. Healthcare AI status is reviewed. AI can also quickly and accurately identify patient safety issues including suboptimal treatment or hospital-acquired disease. A few active AI healthcare research projects show a more cohesive, human-centered future. This study will also examine how AI and machine learning might assist specific patients save their lives.

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