IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Minu S R, Usha Rani Kandula, Madan Mohan Gupta, Alan. V. Joseph, Shahanwaj Khan


Today, the view has changed. When we look at how robotics has evolved, the technology has advanced so far that it makes sense now to consider robotic technology for cost savings, waste reduction and improved patient care. Automation driven by digital health care technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence, could heavily contribute to the long-term sustainability and profitability of health care systems. Robotic technologies appear in many areas that directly affect patient care. They can be used to disinfect patient rooms and operating suites, reducing risks for patients and medical personnel. They work in laboratories to take samples and the to transport, analyze, and store them. This is especially good news is you have ever had blood drawn by someone who had to try several times to find a “good vein.” The robotic lab assistant can locate that vessel and draw the blood with less pain and anxiety for the patient. Robots also prepare and dispense medications in pharmacological labs. In larger facilities robotic carts carry bed linens and even meals from floor to floor, riding elevators and maneuvering through automatic doors. There are also “gears and wires” robotic assistants that help paraplegics move and can administer physical therapy.

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