IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Application of Value Stream Mapping in a small scale paper diary manufacturing industry

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Dr. Chinmay Pingulkar


Lean manufacturing techniques are employed nowadays in a variety of organisations to cut waste at all stages of the production process. Value stream mapping (VSM), one of the methods used in lean manufacturing, can be used in small-scale manufacturing sectors to identify and visualise value-added and non-value-added operations. Reduced lead and cycle times contribute to increased production rates and higher levels of productivity as a result of value stream mapping. The researchers have discussed the use of value stream mapping in a small-scale paper diary production industry in this research article. The researchers used a four-step value stream mapping methodology, which assisted in increasing the efficiency with which raw materials were utilised.

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