IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Antagonistic effect of chosen endophytic fungus ASUF11 and ASUF23 isolated from green seaweed Ulva faciata

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B. Anupama1,2*, M. Reginald Apavoo1, S. Uma Maheswari2, S. Regis Gnanaraj3 and V.A.J. Huxley3*


Two endophytic fungi (ASUF11and ASUF23) were confined from the plump leafs of seaweed Ulva faciata collected from south peninsular bank of India and were removed by utilizing standard methodology. The antibacterial exercises of concentrates were completed against normal bacterial microbes. Both the concentrates displayed huge bactericidal action in all microorganisms. The methanolic concentrates of ASUF23 showed wide range antibacterial movement (70%) in both gram positive and gram-negative microorganisms than different gatherings.

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