IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analyzing the Impact of Food Policy on Indigenous Communities

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Dr. Shekhar M. Kumbhar Dr. Rajsinh V. Mohite Dr. Da Silva Danica


This research delves into the intricate web of relationships between food policies and Indigenous communities, seeking to provide a holistic understanding of the multifaceted impact on historical, cultural, economic, and health dimensions. Acknowledging the historical injustices and colonial legacies shaping Indigenous experiences, the study explores the importance of traditional food systems as integral to cultural identity and well-being. The rationale behind this research lies in the imperative to address the gaps in existing literature and advocate for policies that respect the unique needs and rights of Indigenous populations.The methodology employs a comprehensive research design, incorporating a literature review, case studies, and community perspectives. The literature review establishes a foundation by synthesizing existing knowledge, while case studies offer a nuanced exploration of real-world scenarios. Community perspectives, gathered through interviews, surveys, and focus groups, amplify Indigenous voices, enriching the analysis with lived experiences.In the literature review, historical injustices and colonial legacies are examined, alongside an exploration of the cultural significance of traditional foods and the concept of food sovereignty. The review extends to nutritional health, addressing the complexities of health disparities within Indigenous populations exacerbated by food policies

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