IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of economic sanctions in diplomacy. Economic sanctions are a prominent tool in diplomatic arsenals, employed to influence the behavior of target countries or entities through financial or trade restrictions. Firstly, the clarity of objectives is paramount. Clear and achievable goals enhance the effectiveness of sanctions by providing a framework for assessment, guiding policy decisions, and garnering international support. However, vague or overly ambitious objectives can undermine effectiveness and legitimacy. Secondly, international cooperation plays a crucial role. Multilateral sanctions, endorsed by numerous countries or international organizations, amplify economic pressure and reduce opportunities for target countries to evade sanctions. Broad international support also enhances diplomatic credibility and mitigates unintended consequences. Thirdly, the vulnerability of the target country is a critical determinant. Countries heavily dependent on international trade or finance are more susceptible to economic coercion, whereas resilient economies may withstand sanctions or seek alternative sources of support. Moreover, the duration and severity of sanctions are significant considerations. While prolonged sanctions can deepen economic hardship and increase compliance pressure, excessively harsh measures risk humanitarian crises and diplomatic backlash. Adaptability and evasion are also key factors. Target countries may seek to circumvent sanctions through illicit means or by diversifying economic relationships, necessitating continuous adaptation and enforcement by sanctioning authorities. Furthermore, the impact of sanctions on the target government and population is multifaceted. Sanctions may undermine government stability, exacerbate societal grievances, and provoke domestic unrest. Balancing pressure with humanitarian concerns is essential for maintaining legitimacy and achieving diplomatic goals.

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