IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Ramjee Yadav, Dr.Rathod Duryodhan Devidas


This study delves into the intricate dynamics surrounding the tribal population of Jharkhand, India, focusing on their origins, influencing factors, and societal implications. Jharkhand's tribal communities possess a rich cultural heritage deeply intertwined with their historical roots, yet they grapple with multifaceted challenges in contemporary society. Examining the origins of Jharkhand's tribal population reveals a tapestry of indigenous groups with diverse histories and traditions spanning centuries. colonial legacies and post-independence policies have often marginalized these communities, leading to socio-economic disparities and cultural erosion. Numerous factors shape the experiences of Jharkhand's tribal population, including land dispossession, resource exploitation, inadequate access to education and healthcare, and the encroachment of urbanization and industrialization. These challenges not only threaten the well-being and cultural identity of tribal communities but also impede the region's overall socio-economic development. The societal implications of these challenges are profound, necessitating comprehensive strategies to address the needs and rights of Jharkhand's tribal population. Empowering tribal communities, preserving their cultural heritage, and fostering inclusive development are imperative for promoting equity and sustainability in the region. this study underscores the importance of understanding and addressing the complexities surrounding Jharkhand's tribal population to pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future for all inhabitants of the state.

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