IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analysis With The QOS Parameters Of Data Distribution And Data Storage In Cloud Computing

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Ankit Barskar,Gulfishan Firdose Ahmed,Raju Barskar,Nepal Barskar


Cloud computing is a distributed system which works with the multiple component to provide a processing of users input request. The input request can be of data storage, data access and utilizing the data in real time with different available model. Cloud computing consist of multiple layers and model of performing the processing of large amount of data. Different areas of research are available which includes the data security, authentication, accessibility and identity based data utilization. Data usage over the cloud helps in fast and scalable usage of data. Cloud data is accessible with various platform includes web and mobile units. Thus the availability of data and its accessibility increase the vulnerability over the data. This topic is required in further research to enhance the security over the cloud data and accessing them on secure channel. This research discuss about the algorithm which enhance the security with hybrid level of security model. An end to end communication protocol with enhances cryptography and data auditing approach is presented. Thus the algorithm shows the efficiency over the traditional security mechanism. The proposed algorithm works experimented over the java platform using Apache server. The Computation parameter which is taken for comparison is computation time, computation cost, and bandwidth and Energy consumption in data packet transmission. The experiment performed over the proposed security and reliable model shows the efficiency of proposed approach over the traditional solution of data processing in cloud computing distributed environment.

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